Backups of offline and online databases should be created regularly. Additionally, the usage of data redundancy is strongly advised.
Backing up online databases happens at the database server. There are several methodologies available depending on the server technology. Please refer to the instructions made available by your server software provider.
Online databases that are recommended to be backed up:
- actiondb: Recommended if audit trail is in use and actions are logged to online database.
- persondb and studydb: Recommended if not a single workstation system which uses only offline databases.
- upportdb: Recommended if settings configurations are stored in online database or if online access control is in use.
Backing up offline and local databases happens at the workstations. Database files can be copied to backup locations once they are not in use.
Files in workstations that are recommended to be backed up:
- Medikro.ini: Contains settings configuration for the workstation. Persons And Studies cannot be started without a valid configuration file. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro".
- actionlog.db: Contains action log for the audit trail. Recommended to be backed up if offline audit trail is in use. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro\Databases".
- offline.access.db: Contains authorisation information. Recommended to be backed up if local access control is in use. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro\Databases".
- offline.person.db: Contains person information. Recommended to be backed up if offline databases are used exclusively or if the workstation has been extracted from the network for a long period of time. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro\Databases".
- Contains study information. Recommended to be backed up if offline databases are used exclusively or if the workstation has been extracted from the network for a long period of time. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro\Databases".
- AdminActions\actionlog.db: Contains action log from Administration Tool for the audit trail. Note that Administration Tool actions are never logged anywhere else. Recommended to be backed up if audit trail is in use. Default location is: "C:\ProgramData\Medikro".
- SpirometryResults.mdb: Contains software licensing information and challenge protocols. Please note that health information and spirometry measurement results are not stored here anymore. Default location is: "C:\Medikro\Database".
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