We have found the following user login and access control problems in MSS 4.0 that make usage of the software inconvenient:
- Medikro Spirometry Software and Medikro Administration Tool won’t start, if the Windows username contains Scandinavian letters such as ä,ö,å,ü.
- Medikro Administration Tool doesn’t show Scandinavian letters right in Windows user names and groups.
- Medikro Administration Tool doesn’t allow logging in a domain user that belongs to the local administrator group.
- Medikro Administration Tool doesn’t allow selecting domain users and groups in Access Control Management.
These problems can be repaired by installing a separate patch file as instructed below. It is recommended to assign the installation for IT professionals. If you are not a person responsible for software installations, please deliver this note to your organization’s responsible IT person.
- First, you have to check, whether the installed Medikro Spirometry Software 4.0 is 32-bit or 64-bit. If the file c:\Program Files\Medikro\Applications\MedikroCommunicationAndData4.dll file size is about 1.5 MB, installation is 64-bit. If the file size is about 1.2 MB, installation is 32-bit. Instead, if the file is found in c:\Program Files (x86)\Medikro\Applications, installation is 32-bit.
- Download Windows Installer Package (*.msi) as ZIP -file. If your installation is 32-bit, use the file M9888_Patch_for_MSS_(UserNote_M5239)_32bit.msi. In the case of 64-bit, use the file M9888_Patch_for_MSS_(UserNote_M5239)_64bit.msi. Optionally, you can request a patch installation cd from Medikro.
- Close the Medikro Spirometry Software and Medikro Administration Tool, if they are running in the workstation.
- Copy the patch file to any local folder. Run the patch file as an administrator.
- Installation program “M9888 Patch for MSS (UserNote M5239)” starts.
- Click “Next” in the first window.
- Click “Install” in the second
- When the installation is ready, click “Finish” in the last window.
- Now you can start to use Medikro Spirometry Software and Medikro Administration Tool.
- If you want to verify that patch has updated the files, check the version numbers of the files C:\Program Files\Medikro\Applications\AdminTool.exe and C:\Program Files\Medikro\Applications\PersonsAndStudies.exe is starting with 4.0.1.
Installing the patch silently
Patch can be run silently using the command (64-bit patch in the example):
msiexec /qn /i ”[PATH]\M9888_Patch_for_MSS_(UserNote_M5239)_64bit.msi” AT_PATH=”[INSTALLATION FOLDER]” PAS_PATH=”[INSTALLATION FOLDER]”
[PATH] is a full path to msi file
[INSTALLATION FOLDER] is the installation folder of Medikro applications, typically ”C:\Program Files\Medikro”.
Run the patch file as an administrator.
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