It is possible to uninstall MSS using native Windows uninstalling tool or to do it manually. Please, find below the instructions for different methods of deleting the Medikro Software from your computer.
Uninstalling software using Windows
Uninstalling software manually
Uninstallation of Medikro Spirometry Software using Windows tools (default process)
To uninstall a single application, select the application from Windows Control Panel -> Programs and features and select "Uninstall".
If Medikro applications have been installed using Medikro Spirometry Software Installer, not using separate msi-packages, it is possible to uninstall all Medikro applications simultaneously. Select Medikro Spirometry Software from Windows Control Panel -> Programs and features and select "Uninstall".
Wait until Windows' uninstaller finishes its job.
Uninstallation of Medikro software manually
In certain cases, when trying to uninstall MSS, user can receive an error message (for example: “Error extracting support files: Catastrophic failure”). Usually the reason for this is incorrect installation or previous unsuccessful uninstallation attempts. Situation can be solved by performing semi-manual or manual uninstallation.
Semi-manual uninstallation of MSS
Uninstall the software using a batch file:
- From the bottom of this page download ZIP file
- Extract file.
- Double click RemoveMeasurementsAndResults.bat file.
This will remove installation completely (leaving databases in place). No manual work required.
Fully manual uninstallation of MSS
Uninstall the software manually using these steps:
- Start Windows registry
- Delete: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{FB923D60-0017-11D4-81C9-0050BAAF5441}
- Delete: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{ec93f2f1-65a3-43c0-ab4e-39b4a68f994a}
- Start file manager
- Delete folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{FB923D60-0017-11D4-81C9-0050BAAF5441}
- Delete folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{EC93F2F1-65A3-43C0-AB4E-39B4A68F994A}
- Delete subdirectories of folder c:\Medikro\ except folder c:\Medikro\Database
- Install the MAR by running setup.exe
After this you can install or update Medikro Spirometry Software normally.
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